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5 Pros & Cons of 401(K) Rollover

Have you found yourself among the millions of Americans who’ve suddenly become unemployed or have switched careers due to recent events? In addition to making sure you’re meeting expenses and developing a path moving forward, you’ll need to consider what to do with your retirement plan from a previous employer. Should you rollover your 401(K) or leave it where it’s at? Our latest guide, 5 Pros & Cons of 401(K) Rollovers, provides insights. Get the guide today. If you have questions or would like more details on 401(K)s, reach out to CUofGA Financial Services located at our credit union.

Learn More about the 5 Pros & Cons of 401(K) Rollovers




*Representatives are registered, securities sold, advisory services offered through CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. (CBSI), member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor, which is not an affiliate of the credit union. CBSI is under contract with the financial institution to make securities available to members. Not NCUA/ NCUSIF/FDIC insured, May Lose Value, No Financial Institution Guarantee. Not a deposit of any financial institution. CBSI-3197018.1-0820-0922

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