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Credit Union of Georgia Blog

Personal finance tips, credit union news & community events.

Budgeting Basics: How to Create and Stick to a Personal Budget

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June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month

Credit Union of Georgia is Committed to Protecting You and Your Loved Ones

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Improve Financial and Physical Fitness

As your trusted financial partner, we are dedicated to not only safeguarding your financial health but also promoting your overall wellness.

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Saving For Competing Priorities

With a little planning and focus, you can create a plan that allows you to work toward the goals most important to you. Here are a few steps to take to get started.

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Saving Automatically

Saving through automatic deposits or transfers is the most effective way to save and helps make it easy by allowing you to choose what and when you’ll save.

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How To Protect Your Child From Identity Theft

Learn what child identity theft is, how to detect it, how to protect your child’s personal information, and what to do if someone steals your child’s identity.
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Staying Safe from Tax Fraud

If finances were tight this past year, or even if things are going well, the lure of too-good-to-be-true offers promising to maximize your tax refund might be too appealing to pass up.

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Unlock the Power of Your Credit Score in 2024

Learn about credit scores and what you can do to make a positive impact on yours.

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Identity Theft Can Happen to Anyone

Identity theft occurs when someone steals another person’s sensitive personal information and either uses it as their own or sells it on the black market for other perpetrators to use for financial gain or fraud.

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Skimming and Gluing: Two Criminal Practices to Watch For

According to a Forbes Advisor survey from February 2023, 91% of transactions in America are made with a credit or debit card.

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Financial Preparedness Tips for National Preparedness Month

Americans at all income levels have experienced the challenges of rebuilding their lives after a disaster or other emergency. In these stressful times, having access to personal financial, insurance, medical and other records is crucial for starting the recovery process quickly and efficiently.

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Another Data Breach? Don't Get Data Breach Fatigue.

One of the biggest risks following a data breach is that scammers could use your stolen personal information to open a loan or a line of credit in your name, potentially damaging your credit score or leaving you to pay for the fraudulent charges.

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The Growing Threat of Phishing: Protecting Yourself Against Cybercriminals

Phishing has emerged as the single most prevalent category of cybercrime, causing significant financial losses, particularly among citizens aged 60 and older.

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Identity Theft by the Numbers

Today, more than ever, we need to reawaken the need for families to understand and keep learning about scams that can dramatically impact financial wellness and lead to identity theft.

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Good Credit Habits to Protect Your Financial Future

Follow these tips to develop good credit habits throughout the year that will help you stay on track with your goals and protect your identity.

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Financial Well-Being For Our Youth – National Credit Union Youth Month

Experts say children as young as five or six can understand the basics of money and saving.

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Are You a Target This Tax Season?

This year, tax crimes have become more complex than ever beforeincluding scams like identity theft, phishing, fake charities, false claims, and more. 

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4 Ways to Stay Financially Fit this Summer

Keeping your finances intact throughout the summer is well within reach if you’re ready to plan ahead and make responsible choices. Here are four hacks for a summer of financial fitness.

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6 Items For Your New Home's To-Do List

Now that you’re settling in to your new home, there are some important things you need to consider and remember.

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Cybersecurity Quick-Guide

It’s #SaferInternetDay. This is a good time to talk with your family about staying safe online!

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Five Scams that Rose to the Top in 2022

Social media scams are still going strong – check your account security and privacy today and remember to only accept friend and follow requests from people you know.

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How to Avoid Romance Scams

With Valentine’s Day approaching, people are being warned to watch out for criminals looking to use your heart to get to your wallet.

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5 Ways To Make Saving Easier

We want to empower you to make decisions now that create positive habits and set you up for success in your financial future.

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How to Make a Monthly Budget in Excel

Using Microsoft Excel or a similar program, you can easily create a budget to help take control of your finances.

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Establishing a Plan

To create a plan to reach personal financial goals that will reflect your values and allow you to live in a comfortable manner, you want to understand what you’re currently spending your money on, what you can realistically afford to spend, and how these align with your priorities.

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Monthly Money Date

Many Americans don’t have an accurate idea of the true state of their own finances, and around one-third are surprised to find that their situation is different than they thought.

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4 Common Mobile Phone Security Threats

Although new attacks regularly come to the attention of cybersecurity experts, these are the most common types that you can watch for and protect yourself against.

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9 Creative Ways to Pay off Your Debt

If you’re one of the millions of people dealing with debt, you know how hard it can be to get ahead. You may feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of payments and interest rates that never seem to go down. But there is hope. There are creative ways to pay off your debt and get your finances back on track.

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5 Holiday Mistakes That Could Cost You

While the holidays are about quality time and making memories, it’s easy to get caught up with spending money. Here are five holiday mistakes to avoid this year so you can enjoy the season with your finances intact.

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How To Start Planning for Retirement

It’s never too early or too late to start planning for retirement.

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Avoid Money Transfer App Scams!

Be wary of any incoming text message, email, or phone call asking you to take action or provide personal information or one-time passcodes. Scammers will text, call, and email from what looks to be your financial institution with a spoofed caller ID.

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Creating a Holiday Spending Plan

Financial planning for the holidays doesn’t need to be a big challenge. It just takes a few smart holiday shopping budget tips!

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4 Tips to Reduce Your Debt

Here we will discuss 4 tips to help you reduce your debts.

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Don’t Get Spoofed

How To Spot Fraud Before It’s Too Late

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Cybersecurity: Four Tips

In all situations it’s critical to be aware of and attempt to prevent cyber threats.

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Why being asked to send yourself money with Zelle® should be a big red flag. Don’t be scammed. Here’s how to keep your money safe.

Scammers are always creating new ways to steal your money. One of the recent scams utilizing peer-to-peer payment services is what’s known as the “Pay Yourself Scam.”

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Protecting the Older People in Our Lives From Becoming Victims of Scams

Why are Older Americans Targeted by Scammers?

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Coping with Inflation? Be Budget Aware.

From groceries to gas, record-breaking inflation means the purchasing power of your money is decreasing each month.

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Student Loan Scams - What You Need to Know

Calls and texts from individuals claiming to have the ability to erase student loan debt are on the rise.

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Device Protection - Is Your Personal Information Safe?

With smart device ownership on the rise, is your personal information safe?

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Make It A Budget Friendly Vacation

After a few challenging years of the pandemic, people are ready to venture out, experience new sights and sounds, and plan for a budget-friendly vacation. The kids are out of school, the summer season beacons, and it’s time for fun.

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How Healthy is Your Housing Budget?

What’s a healthy amount of your monthly budget to spend on housing?

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Financial Literacy for Kids

When kids get a peek into how to effectively manage household finances, handle debt, create a budget, and build savings, they are set up for success in the future.

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5 Resources to Build Financial Literacy

Working toward financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money and can set you up for a lifetime of financial health and wellness.
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Age Your Way: 5 Tips to Manage Today's Financial Challenges

Today’s rapidly rising prices might cause seniors to put those dreams on hold.  Check out tips that can help seniors even in the midst of rising prices and financial uncertainties.

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Amazon Impersonators

Amazon Impersonators Are Stealing Millions and They’re Targeting All of Us!

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Protecting Yourself During Tax Season

What to know about protecting yourself during Tax Season.
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Four Signs That It's A Scam

Four signs that it’s a scam and what you can do to avoid it!

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Women and Credit

Building a foundation for financial wellness.

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Credit Union of Georgia Joins the Cause Towards America Saves Week 2022

Credit Union of Georgia is a proud participant in America Saves Week!

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Financial Life Hacks

Financial life hacks are all about reducing stress and effort.

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Jump - Start Your Savings Plan

Jump – start your savings and plan for the unplanned with these five savings tips!

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5 Ways to Keep Identity Thieves Guessing

Identity theft continues to be more than just a costly headache. Once the bad guys have your identity information they can make repeated attempts to try to access your accounts, apply for credit in your name, and even steal your tax refund.

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5 Ways to Make Money Resolutions That Stick

The New Year is a time for New Beginnings. Are you ready to make money resolutions that stick?

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Protecting Children from Identity Theft

Identity fraud goes in and out of the headlines with regularity, and while it can be overwhelming to try to keep up with the most current scams, we frequently hear updates from various news sources about guarding our identities. The latest scams are putting our children’s identities at risk.

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Make it a Happy Holiday Budget

To make it a happy holiday budget, consider rethinking your holiday plan, setting a budget and sticking with it.

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Holiday Shopping Scams

Those looking for a little retail therapy, might also find themselves becoming victims of fraud. Here are the top holiday shopping scams you need to watch out for.

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Get Your End-of-Year Financial Health Checkup

As the eagerly awaited holiday season gets underway, the end of the year is a great time to get a financial health checkup to make sure your finances are on track.

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This Holiday Season, Could Less Be More?

While the season is an opportunity to focus on the things that matter most in life, exchanging gifts is a long-standing tradition and a way to share joy with loved ones. Gift-giving is likely to be even more amped up this year, which might bring upon financial strain.

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Healthy Habits to Help Manage Financial Stress

When it comes to personal finances, many studies show that your overall mental well-being is directly correlated to your financial health.

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Get Back on Track with Retirement Savings

Planning for the future takes time and consistency. The daily ups and downs of life can mean taking a detour from your carefully thought out plans. It doesn’t mean you can’t regroup and get back on track.

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Record Number of Stimulus Payment Scams

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reported receiving a record number of reports about Economic Impact Payment scams in June and July 2021.

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How to Talk to Kids About Money

Parents may question the best time to start teaching kids about money and many experts answer – the sooner the better.

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Do Your Part, Be Cybersmart

Helpful tips for you to remember while traveling, transitioning back to the office, working remotely, and protecting your digital home.

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5 Signs You’re on the Path to Becoming Financially Aware

With COVID-related mortgage, rent, student loan and other relief programs ending, being financially aware is more important now than ever. Yet being financially aware goes well beyond managing everyday bills and expenses. Here are 5 signs you are on the right path!

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Social Media: 5 Scams that Work

Being alert to potential scams is the best way to protect yourself against fraud and identity theft. Learn tips on how to stay safe and the five scams you may not be thinking about.

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How Can I Keep My Credit Balances Low?

Learn 3 ways to keep your credit balances low and how our trusted partner GreenPath Financial Wellness can help!

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5 Steps to Prepare for a Big Purchase

Learn how to make a milestone purchase the financially smart way.

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Family Vacation Planning: How to Teach Your Kids About Mindful Spending (And Have Fun Doing It)

Going on vacation is a great time to provide some financial education to your kids. Let them help you plan a vacation that won’t break the bank by following these three tips.

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Credit Union of Georgia Named Great Place to Work Certified

The Credit Union proudly scored with an 80% rating of employees saying it was a great place to work compared to the 59% rating typical U.S. based companies receive.

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Scams: What's Old is New Again

Don’t be fooled by scams that are making the rounds again. Learn about the new techniques scammers are using on old tricks.

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Credit Union of Georgia President & CEO Named Top 10 in 10

Credit Union of Georgia is honored to announce the recognition of their President & Chief Executive Officer, Brian Albrecht as one of Cherokee County’s Top 10 in 10 Young Professionals to Watch.

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The Rise of Digital Wallets and Contactless Transactions

We break down what a digital wallet is and how to keep it secure. Add your Credit Union of Georgia Visa® Card to your mobile wallet today!

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5 Smart Tips for Purchasing Your Dream Car

Before you go car shopping pump the brakes. We have created 5 easy tips to help save you money and set yourself up for financial success!

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Credit Union of Georgia Raises Nearly $5,000 for Local Charities

The Credit Union recently hosted a Charitable Contributions Raffle to raise money for local charities.

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3 Tried and True Facts About Personal Finances

No matter your age or stage in life, it pays to know the facts about personal finances. Here are three facts to know to get on the right track.

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How Much Home Can You Afford?

With historically low interest rates, there has never been a better time to finance a Mortgage with your Credit Union! Learn how to determine how much home you can afford.

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What is Home Title Theft?

Learn the difference between Home Title Theft and Loan Fraud, and how Credit Union of Georgia can protect you against the effects of both, no matter where the fraud occurs.

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Credit Union of Georgia’s Grand Opening in Hickory Flat – A Huge Success

Credit Union of Georgia is excited to showcase our newest branch location with after-hours Smart ATMs with Teller Assist as well as share with the community a variety of exclusive Grand Opening Specials.

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Financial Literacy for Kids

Practical money management skills learned at an early age can have a lasting impact on the rest of your child’s life. Learn some great ways to teach your kids about money.

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Bills You Should Pay First

Although everyone’s financial situation is unique, here are some general rules of thumb for which payments to prioritize.

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Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

These sophisticated scams take many shapes and target the victim’s identity as well as their wallet.

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The 5 Factors That Affect Your Credit Score (And Simple Ways to Boost Them!)

Credit is essential to helping you meet your financial goals. Learn the 5 factors that influence your score and how to boost it!

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Tax Fraud: The IRS Dirty Dozen List

Each year the IRS reports on the “Dirty Dozen”, a list of the 12 most prevalent tax crimes of the year.

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Introducing Credit Union of Georgia's Mobile Wallet

Enjoy all the benefits of  your Visa® card on devices you use everyday!

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Unemployment Fraud: How it Works and How to Fight It

Take a quick look at how this scam works. It is important to know how to react quickly to minimize the damage.
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Saving Money Isn’t a Luxury – It’s a Necessity

Learn why it is crucial to start saving now and tips for getting started!

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Four Dangerous Stimulus Scams

Reports of stimulus payment-related fraud have sharply increased following the passage of the second stimulus package. Stay vigilant and watch for these four dangerous fraud tactics.

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Top 10 Identity Theft Myths

Learn about the Top 10 Identity Theft Myths and suggested resolutions for the new year that will better protect your identity both online and offline.

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4 Finance Topics Every Kid Should Know

It’s never too early to learn how to handle your money. Start now to help your child be ready for the future.

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Make this Holiday Season Stress Free

Our top 4 tips to save on the holidays PLUS a holiday budgeting worksheet created by our partner GreenPath Financial Wellness.


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5 Pros & Cons of 401(K) Rollover

Should you rollover your 401(K) or leave it where it’s at? Our latest guide, 5 Pros & Cons of 401(K) Rollovers, provides insights.

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If you want a bank that will truly help and go out of their way to take care of your needs you have found it! I have been banking with the institution for 30+ years and our whole family is here. We are like family here, you get out what you put into relationships!

Jim H.

5 Tips for Managing Your Finances Through COVID-19 and Beyond

Having a defined set of options and a clear understanding of your financial picture not only helps to better prepare you for the future, but can also make you feel more confident and less stressed about factors outside of your control.

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Merging Your Money When You Marry

The financial decisions that you make now can have a lasting impact on your future.

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Decoding Your Financial Aid Offers

6 Tips You Should Know Before Making the Big Decision

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How is Your Credit Score Calculated?

Ever wonder how your credit score is calculated? It is a common question and can be helpful to explore.

How is Your Credit Score Calculated?

Security Alert

We will NEVER call, text or email you and request that you reset your passwords or PIN. Learn More Tips to Keep You Safe!