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Credit Union of Georgia Announces Board Member Retirement

Following an extensive career of volunteerism and servant leadership, Ms. Barbara Bounds Selby announced her retirement from the Board of Directors at Credit Union of Georgia after 24 years of service. The announcement was made at the Credit Union’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, March 2, 2023. Mr. David Farmer, SVP of Restaurant Experience at Chick-fil-A was elected in Ms. Selby’s place at the Annual Meeting as the next Board of Directors member for Credit Union of Georgia.

Mr. Bill Rogers, Director Emeritus of Credit Union of Georgia’s Board of Directors, stated, “One thing that has always stood out about Barbara Selby is her dedication to the Church, Family, Occupation, and Credit Union of Georgia in providing excellent services. There is no way of telling how many lives have been helped or improved due to Barbara’s commitment to serve others”.

Barbara first served on the Supervisor Committee for Credit Union of Georgia, followed by serving as a member of the Board of Directors for more than 20 years. She had a history of excellent leadership with the Cobb County School District as Supervisor of the District’s School Counseling Program, followed by a career in Real Estate with Harry Norman Realtors. Ms. Selby has also served her local church as a Sunday School Teacher and mentor for more than 50 years. Credit Union of Georgia is beyond thankful for the years of service, guidance and professionalism Ms. Selby gave to Credit Union of Georgia. Her legacy will live on within the Credit Union for years to come.

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