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Credit Union of Georgia Coat Drive Collects 81 Items for The Homeless

Credit Union of Georgia hosted a local coat drive to collecting clean gently worn or new scarves, gloves, and coats. Area residents came together to make a difference in our local community by donating to the coat drive. The community’s generosity has helped many of our neighbors and friends stay warm this winter!

A total of 42 coats, 23 scarves, 14 sets of gloves, and 2 hats were collected through the donation drive and delivered to MUST Ministries!


“Our community and members came together for our Coat Drive, and we are blown away by the outstanding turnout.” said Brian Albrecht, President/CEO of Credit Union of Georgia. “We are here for our community, neighbors, and friends. We will always do all that we can to make sure that we give back to our community!”

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