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CU of GA Hits Record Back to School Numbers

Credit Union of Georgia spent countless hours celebrating their local schools and the kick-off of the 2022-2023 school year last month. Leaders from the Credit Union sponsored and attended over 30 Back to School events in Cobb, Cherokee and Paulding Counties during the months of July and August. With a history of serving the Education Community of Northwest Georgia, Credit Union of Georgia never forgets their roots and looks forward to interacting with the leadership, teachers, counselors, nurses, nutrition, bus drivers and others within the school system every year as a new school year kicks off.

“Credit Union of Georgia was founded by Cobb County and Marietta City educators over sixty years ago.” said Brian Albrecht, President/CEO of Credit Union of Georgia. “We cannot thank our teachers and staff enough for all that they do for the children of our communities. From spending tireless hours before and after school, to preparing free lunches during the summer, we are thankful for all that these individuals do to better our community and our children!”

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