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Text Message Alert Scams

Credit Union of Georgia’s text messaging service, eAlerts, is used strictly to notify you of different notifications that you have set up on your Credit Union of Georgia account. If you feel you have received a suspicious text message from Credit Union of Georgia, please do not respond to the text message in any way. Instead contact our MAPS department at 678-486-1111 and we will assist you in determining the legitimacy of the text message.

The most recent text message alert scams we have become aware of are as follows:

Credit Union of Georgia has recently been notified by its members that Phishing Texts are fraudulently being sent out stating that their Credit/Debit Card has been deactivated. To reactivate their card, members are instructed to call in to 1-866-879-5338, an automated system that asks members to provide their Account Number, PIN, and CVV Security Code for their Credit Union of Georgia Visa Credit and Debit Cards. In some cases, members are also asked to provide their Social Security Number.

Though these texts appear to be being sent from the Credit Union’s website,, they are actually being sent by a malicious third party that is in no way associated with Credit Union of Georgia. It is of the utmost importance that should you receive one of these text messages, you do not supply any of your personal or account information. Instead, take action by deleting the text message immediately.

If you feel you may have already fallen victim to this or another scam, please contact us immediately at 678-486-1111 so that we can assist you in protecting your good name.

Significant Increase in Text Messaging ScamsIt has been reported that internet criminals are increasingly operating like successful businesses, borrowing the best strategies from legitimate companies and collaborating in partnerships with each other to make a profit from illegal activities.Cisco’s 2009 Midyear Security Report sites a significant increase in text messaging scams, which is now being called “the new frontier for fraud, irresistible to criminals”. Cisco also sites that this increase is related to the criminals’ hopes that consumers who are savvy enough not to fall for email scams, will still be susceptible to falling for newer text messaging scams.

Cisco’s research indicates that smaller financial institutions have most recently been the focus of many text messaging scams “likely because consumers tend to have higher levels of trust and familiarity with local banks and credit unions”.

Members of many different credit unions, including Credit Union of Georgia, and several banks have been receiving a text message asking them to call a phone number to reactivate their Visa debit card. The text message comes in from CDC FCU with various 800 and 866 phone numbers. This is a phishing scam.This is the alert that is posted on CDC FCU’s website regarding this attempt to collect member information:

Recently, there have been fraudulent phone scams directed to CDC Federal Credit Union members and nonmembers. This message falsely asks members to verify account information due to a debit card cancellation. When responding by phone, the computer operated system will ask for your personal 16 digit debit card number. The purpose appears to be an attempt to withdraw funds from members’ accounts.

Consumers in Georgia and surrounding states are receiving fraudulent text messages from alerting them that their Visa® Card has been blocked and urging the consumer to contact 877-269-9842 for more information. Upon calling in, consumers are then asked to provide their Visa® Card Number and PIN.

An Atlanta area credit union has recently reported that a member received a text message indicating that their credit union was notifying them of an alert and asking that the member call 818-859-1549 for further information. In addition, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) was mentioned by name in the text message. This phone number listed within the text message connects to individuals falsely claiming to be with CUNA Online Security and asking for Social Security and Credit and Debit Card information.

In addition, it has been reported that members may be receiving text messages that read:

Notification You have a new credit union message alert. Call now to 1-866-818-0971 to hear it.”

When called, the number given is being said to prompt an automated system that asks the caller to enter their Debit Card information.

A text messaging scam is currently targeting consumers in Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. NuMark Credit Union in Chicago, IL received thousands of calls from members and nonmembers reporting they had received a suspicious text message. The phone number on the text message went to an audio system asking the members and nonmembers to put in their debit or credit card number and their pin number. Many did as the audio system instructed and in turn the members and the Credit Union are suffering numerous fraud cases from this. The text message sent to NuMark Credit Union members appeared like this:


Subject: Alert

Your NuMark CU account is closed due to unusual activity. To reactivate call us at 847-246-7640

Stay Diligent and Stay Alert: Don’t fall for scams requesting payments to Bitcoin or tolls, missed Jury Duty and others!

Scammers are using AI to target members. Please don't share your PIN, Digital Banking, card numbers or personal info with anyone. More Tips