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Credit Union of Georgia Collects Over 650 Breakfast Items for The CCYA

Credit Union of Georgia hosted a local breakfast drive to collecting needed breakfast foods for The Center for Children and Young Adults.

With help from our communities, we collected 122 Individual Oatmeal Packets, 84 Individual Grits Packets, 132 Individual Packets of Pop Tarts, 11 Pancake Mixes, 6 Bottles of Syrup, 9 Jars of Jelly, 3 Large Boxes of Quaker Oats, 112 Breakfast Bars, 19 Large Boxes of Cereal, and 171 Individual Boxes of Cereal.

“Our community and members did not let us down! Everyone came together and we are blown away by the outstanding turnout.” said Brian Albrecht, President/CEO of Credit Union of Georgia. “We are here for our community, neighbors, and friends. We will always do all that we can to make sure that we give back to our community!”