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Cybersecurity Quick-Guide

A few of your most common cybersecurity questions answered:

Why should we care about cybersecurity?

Insecure devices and accounts can jeopardize your privacy, financial well-being and even personal safety. It can also affect others because insecure devices can spread malicious software to other people’s devices via the internet.

What are some of the important steps to take?

Create strong passwords.

Be careful where you click.

Use security software.

Keep your operating systems and apps up-to-date.

Are kids and teens at high risk?

Kids and teens are very vulnerable to hacks and scams. Not only are they online a lot, but they tend to be curious and adventurous — good qualities that can lead them into problematic places. Youth are especially vulnerable to identity theft because they usually have a clean credit record, and a fake identity is harder to detect.

What is phishing?

Phishing is when you get a link in an email or text that appears to be from a legitimate site such as your bank or school. It might say your security is at risk and you have to log in to change your password – but the link sends you to a fake site whose purpose is to get your user credentials or trick you into providing a credit card or other personal information.


Content Provided By SaferInternetDay.Org

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