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Skimming Devices

ATMs and even vestibule access doors are being rigged to skim cards across the U.S. Recent skimming cases have been reported in Rye, NY; Seattle, WA; Tampa, FL; Sacramento, CA; and Boulder, CO.

Alert Details
ATMs and even vestibule doors are being rigged to skim cards across the U.S. Recent skimming cases have been reported in Rye, NY; Seattle, WA; Tampa, FL; Sacramento, CA; and Boulder, CO. Credit unions should be vigilant in inspecting ATMs for foreign devices.

Fraudsters are rigging branch and remote ATMs with skimming devices and micro cameras to capture card data and PINs. Authorities reported some of the Seattle skimming cases involved rigging vestibule access doors to skim cards.

Risk Mitigation Tips

  • Be alert for card readers that do not match the color and style of the ATM
  • Ensure the ATM card reader has not been tampered with and is securely in place
  • Look for sticky residue and tape around the card reader and PIN keypad
  • Inspect overhead light fixtures and envelope/brochure holders on the ATM for very small holes where a micro camera could be installed
  • Inspect card readers installed on vestibule access doors (the readers should be securely in place)

It is very important to be alert for anything unusual about ATMs and to also shield the PIN keypad as you enter your PIN.